
Who we are

We are based in Louisville and active worldwide. We translate your voice and ideas through strategy, creativity and playful innovation.

We believe.

We believe in you. We believe you know your needs best. We believe in boldness. Tell us your dreams, and we'll plan their reality. Your message will come to life, and together we will unlock and activate your culture. 

Company team

Our clients.

These are just a few of the clients we work with.

In our organization, we believe in guiding lights that help us navigate our journey, shape our culture, and define who we are. Some call them values, others call them principles. We prefer to call them our "North Stars". These North Stars embody our shared commitments and the behaviors we aim to display in our interactions, decisions, and work.

Embrace Discomfort: Real growth occurs outside the comfort zone. Be open to discomfort, because it signals that change is happening.

Vulnerability is Strength: Show up, be seen, risk failure. Authenticity and vulnerability are not weaknesses; they are gateways to connection and transformation.

Presencing: Practice the art of presencing — sense and actualize your future potential. Be fully in the moment, and let your actions be guided by your highest future possibilities.

Lean Into Uncertainty: Don't shy away from the unknown. Embrace it as the fertile ground where innovation and creativity thrive.

Open Mind, Open Heart, Open Will: Be open to new ideas, empathize with others, and let go of past habits and patterns. Welcome new perspectives and possibilities.

Ditch the Denial: Face reality as it is, not as you want it to be. Acknowledge your problems before you can effectively solve them.

Empathy Over Ego: Shift from the ego-system (self-interest) to the eco-system (common good). We are part of a larger whole, and our actions should reflect that.

Courage to Change: Have the courage to let go of old patterns and embrace change. Change isn't just about doing things differently; it's about becoming someone different.

Failure is Feedback: Don't fear failure. See it as valuable feedback, an opportunity to learn, grow, and move closer to your goals.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Cultivate the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Resilience is about falling down and getting back up, again and again.

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